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HFSS Problem: how to define matching circuit for Loop in wireless power transfer

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everyone,
I've been simulating WPT in HFSS, but I have a problem in matching circuits. As you seen in the attached pic, I should use two capacitance for matching. However I can not use wave port because ending and starting point for that is just one object, so I used lumped port, I have tried two different way to model it but I could not get desired result in either way.
First Picture shows the model I simulated, other pictures shows different model for simulation 2 capacitances and lumped port.
I was wondering if anyone could help me.
I really appreciate it.

Hi, very nice to see everybody. Now, Im having the same problem as you.
Can you help me?

My project is about Wireless Power Transfer using Magnetic resonance. This field is quite new to me. I use HFSS simulation for this.
I have two resonance loops with the same resonant frequency and two metamaterial blocks as repeaters. Resonant frequency is 13.56MHz. Diameter of loop is about 200mm (From previous paper)
Now, I am design two these loops. I dont know how to assign excitation for loop 1(Transmitter) and loop 2 (Receiver) and how to calculate the power transfer efficiency of this system? Shall we connect a resistor to Receiver loop and measure power? How to do it?

Many thanks!

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