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[HFSS] SMA connector for the Horn antenna

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

Hi everyone,
I have a problem with my design. I don't know how to insert the SMA connector to the horn antennas.
Could you give me some ideas about that?
+ What solution type should I choose (Driven modal or Terminal) ?
+ The excitation is lumped port or wave port ?
+ My antennas material is FR4, so what is the material of waveguide ?
Thank you so much for all your help.

driven modal for waveguide type problems.

thank you, reidintransit.
Could you give me some ideas about placing SMA connector ?

here's a good reference for coax to waveguide transitions.

A horn antenna is an extension of a rectangular waveguide. To feed the waveguide from a coaxial line you need a transition. Any good connector can be used, SMAs are good om DC to ~18 GHz.
\Designing a waveguide-to-coaxial transition is a complex task. This is why empirical designs are used, and a careful adjustment is needed. All that explains why good transitions are quite costly. You can try what is shown above but such design only works at one frequency or over a narrow band.
If you find a low-cost transition on e-bay and it works, be happy!

Thank all.

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