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how to feed the multiport antenans with current of different phase in hFss

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
now i am working on the multiport antennas. but i have no idea to feed it with current of differrent phase in HFSS.should I use wave port , lumped port,current port or anyone else.here is the antenna.i want to find out what the characteristics

of the antenna is with the current of different phase.

Hi chaohua,

You should use whatever kind of port is appropriate for your setup. The HFSS help documentation has some basic guidelines. From your picture, it looks like you should be using wave ports.

Regardless, for any type of port, once your simulation is complete you can right click on "Field Overlays" -> "Edit Sources" and it will bring up a window where you can set the magnitude and phase of each port.

got it.thanks

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