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how to get gain from directivity ?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear All.

i have designed an antenna with directivity of 6.907dBi. what will the value of gain here ? i mean how to get gain from this respective directivity ?
while the radiation efficiency of such antenna is -2.056dB.

whether the directivity you have calculated is maximum directivity..? if so, u can get maximum gain as, G=radiation efficiency * Directivity... But for your calculation, u'll be getting negative gain...

thank you for your support.

yes it is the maximum directivity.
but as you mentioned, that G = rad eff * dir. so whether shall i multiply it in the value of dB or to convert it from dB and than multiply it ?

You have to operate in linear, that is convert dB to lin, multiply and then convert back, the result, to dB.

G=10^(6.907/10)*10^(-2.056/10) = 3.056 lin
G(dBi) = 10*log(3.056) = 4.85 dBi

Thank you so much, i got it.

what do you think ? is it good or not ? i mean 4.85dBi or 6.40dBi is a good gain or not ?

I don't think it is good... it can be used for low end applications..

actually it is microstrip patch antenna at resonant freq of 5.2GHz.

I think it is partially less when looking at your design... But i dont know exactly...

If that directivity you wanted to achive is OK (this means the angle over which the power is radiated, mainly) then is only matter of efficiency.
You reached -2.056dB, that is 62%. Usually patch antennas have efficiency ranging rouglhly from 50 to 90% then you are inside it. This depends from factors like substrate losses, material conductivity, etc.

However if you could increase the efficiency up to the ideal 100 % the gain will increase 10*log10(100/62)=2 dB; not so much.

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