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60 GHz AMC EBG using HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
dear friends:
iam simulating and AMC ebg structure in 60 GHZ band

i got the dimensions from a PHD thesis.

i tried to simulate it using hfss but every time i got wrong results
can any one help me doing so
the phd thesis is attached here
page 58-60

hfss results for w=0.63
and HFSS file
are also attached

thanks in advance

Hi ahmedsk,

A couple of quick questions: have you de-embedded the port for the reflection test to the surface of the patch, and have you set up a seed mesh around the patch?

i made the de embedding
how to make the "seed mesh"
i donot know how to do

Insert a vacuum around the edges of the patch, and then assign a "mesh operation". Set it inside, to be the length of the gap. This will help ensure the simulation mesh is properly set up.

this is confusing
can you give me an example in HFSS
of can you modify my HFSS file
that i attached in my post
then send the modified HFSS file to me agian

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