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what is the definition of PMC and is there a material that is close to be PMC?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
this stuff is new to me and from google im kind of confused?
what is the definition and how about boundary condition and what is the difference between PEC?

what is the context ? it is hard to catch up with those abbreviations . You need to give more specific info in order to get an explicit response

ok, there is a language barrier but i will try to explain myself better
i need to know what is PMC i already know this is Perfect Magnetic Conductor, but i need to know mathematically what does that mean, in terms of boundary condition on EM wave impacting an PMC
as you know on PEC the impact wave E became zero on impact with a perfect electric conductor, this can be explained by the boundary conditions of the Continuity of the wave from one volume to another, also i know that pec can be gold or silver
i need to know the same stuff regarding to PMC, material, boundary conditions etc.
also is there in reality a material that can be called PMC or PEC?

perfection is a hard word ... not shore about PMC , but there are conductor materials for electricity that can reach supraconductor stage. I think you refer to those with PEC.
Supraconductor behavior means that electrical resistence becomes zero. This is achieved by lowering the temperature of the material close to the temperature of liquid helium. You'l have to google for exact numerical values .

and what about PMC?

I'm, not shore about magnetism I only have some daisy memories about Maxwell's ecuations , i think PMC could be related somehow to saturation
See on net articles like http://hpc.mtech.edu/comsol/html/rf/...ml&single=true

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