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help me with feeding an cpw slot antenna in HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
dear friends

i'm trying to simulate a cpw fed slot antenna with HFSS. and i have 2 questions.

first. in all papers that i have seen so far the authors didnt mentions the exact location of slot. for example this photo that is from a paper :

in all papers the authors don't mention this size that i show with "?" also they dont mention the size of strip line.

the second question is about how to excite this antenna with lump port. but i dont know this size that i mentioned in this photo :

Dear Opamp

Your lumped port looks fine to me,from what i understood of your question, and what strip line are you talking about,its already drawn here isnt it?


dear Rotmanlens

tanks for ur reply.

yes the strip line has already drawn here. the line between lump port plan and radiator is strip line. does the length of this line important? if it is why the authors don't mention in their papers?

and also don't u know about the sizes that i mention with "?"
thanks a lot

i am not really sure why they might have left the value out,sometimes when we write out papers we miss out on some basic information which makes sense to the author of the paper but not to everyone else.

There is a way of finding the exact distance though. by using a paper and protractor.follow these steps and you will be able to find the exact distance.

draw an another square on the same one but with a projection so each side is 30 cm.
now mark the centre of the semi circle as the centre of the circle and square, project the semi circle to make it a circle.
now measure the distance from the smaller side(centre of the side) to the edge of the circle in a stright line.which should be 1.5cm's.

Meausre the difference between the distance of the circle from the 25 cm side and 30 cm side and you should be able to figure out the distance.

thats the best way i can come up with.


dear Rotmanlens

thanks for reply and it was useful.
have u ever simulate a CPW fed slot antenna with wave port excitation? if u have done some before could u please mail it for me?
my email : opamp_op07 AT yahoo.com
thanks a lot

Dear Opamp

I have not done a simulation of similar type but i have your file from the last file i can set up the waveport and send it over to you.is that fine with you


oh man u r great. u r the best
tanks a lot


here's the file.it is zipped.unzip to get your file


to rotmanlens

i'm new designer in HFSS and i started to simulate square patch antenna with a coxail feed
i took the dimension from a paper
but when i run the simulation the results not look like the paper
i know that the problem is from my own design
i cheched the dimensions and it is ok
and i took the air box to be lambda/4 from all direction where lambda is the free space wavelength of the center frequency
and still the result bad
so could you please help me
i don't know how to attach files here in this message
but please could you please contact me on my email
i will attach all my file and wait ur comments
please sir help me

dear noor
here it is my email opamp_op07@yahoo.com

u can send your project and that paper. i'll check it.

how to draw 1/4 th of the circle in hfss?
also i m getting problem in assigning port in cpw fed band notch monopole UWB antenna.what is the size of port and hw to assign?

please help me to design the cpw fed uwb antennna with g[s, gsm and bluetooth and dual notch characteristics ..

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