CPW Simulation on CMOS/SiGe Substrate using HFSS/Momentum
Are there any tutorials, papers, manuals, examples on CPW line simulation in HFSS available ?
Also wondering how to extract the inductance of the structure I simulation.
Also interested in doing this in Momentum.
Are there any tutorials, papers, manuals, examples on CPW line simulation in Momentum available ?
CPWG has ground plane one the same layer as signal unlike microstrip line. there is no example for creating CPW lines in particular. there are many online calculators available to calculate CPWG trace thickness and adjacent ground plane distance. If you have ADS, you can use linecalc too.
you can find many examples online on how to momentum simulation. here is one;
What inductance, if your DUT is a line? If the line is short and you want the effective series inductance between ports 1 and 2, you can use the math at the end of my appnote here: http://muehlhaus.com/support/ads-app...uctor-em-ports
@pragash, Sorry, thats a tutorial on importing object files into ADS.
Not a tutorial on EM simulation.
Hard to believe there are no tutorials from Ansoft or anywhere else on how to simulate a CPW line in their software.