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HFSS error: mesh leak is found for certain objects

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I cannot find a good explanation for the error "mesh leak is found for certain objects, do geometric repair on certain objects". The project I am working on has a significant amount of small objects. I am assuming that hfss is having a hard time meshing properly. I have already tried changing model resolution. Anyone have any suggestions.

Have you found any explanations?
I have the same error but have no idea how to solve it.

I think it was just because I was using really small items (um scale) and I had the units set to mm. goto modeleler->units and set your units an order of magnitude lower. It may have been something else that fixed it, I am unsure.

I figured what my problem was: I was keeping a metal piece completely embedded in dielectric. When I remove that metal piece, the mesh leak error was fixed.

Hi, I think that this error occurrs when you do some operation on the geometry ( mirroring and boulean subtraction for instance) and empty space remains somewhere: I suggest, where possible, to join all the tools objects before performing subtractions. F.

Mesh Leaks are caused by the TAU mesher not being able to render the mesh for very small objects or small regions of intersections with high enough fidelity. To remedy, force HFSS to use the classic mesher. go to HFSS -> Mesh Operations -> Initial Mesh settings select the second tab in the window and select the radio button for Ansoft Classic Mesh. Also, in the case of ACIS errors, go to Modeler -> Validation Settings and set to Warning only. This will have HFSS classic mesher create a mesh irregardless of an ACIS error.

Have Fun

hi, i did this method but the problem still same occurred. can you tell me another way to solve this mesh leak?
fyi, im simulating the spring inside dieletric hole. the spring diameter is 0.28mm and the dieelectric is about 6mm.
the error message "mesh leak is found for [4] of bodies'. please help me to fix this

I was trying to simulate a trace with a plating of 0.05um thickness when I encounter the "mesh leak" problem.
I solve my problem by changing the "Model Resolution Mesh Operation" of the plating Solid to 1e-005um.

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