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Far Field 3D Polar Plot on HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello All,

I built a printed monopole antenna structure using the HFSS. I did the simulation. I could find the 2D far field radiation pattern. When i asked for the 3D polar plot for the far field radiation, HFSS gave me an empty result. Do you have any idea?

Kawther Hamad

First you should check if infinite sphere is defined as (Radiation>insert far field>infinite sphere). 2ndly you can't get 3D plot if using parametric simulation.

First go to Radiation in Project Manager. Right click, insert far field setup, Infinite sphere, set theta and phi as start:0, Stop:360. Step Size:1. Now right click on Results, Create Far Field Report, 3D Polar Plot, select trace tab, Category = Gain, Quantity = gain total, Function = none. Then click New Report. WAHLA!

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