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Does anyone know how to plot parametric farfield results at once?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello fellows,

I will keep it simple: I am trying to plot the parametric results of the farfield radiation diagram of a horn antenna on the same graphic. I mean, I am varying the flare angle so I get different s-parameters and so, but how do I plot a parametric view of the radiation diagram resulting for each of those angles? I am looking on post-processing options and I don't find anything meaningful I think...
Do anyone know how to do it? I really need it, thank you all!

With all the different EM tools out there, you need to specify which tool you are using.

So sorry! My bad, I am working with CST MWS 2014.

in 1D plot properties in plot mode tab, there is an option "parametric plot" to plot a different parametric plot based what parameter that you define and swept it

hope this be helpful

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