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found the following errors while designing in HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
i have attached my design here .

I have tried to simulate your model what it seems from the list of errors that you have multiple structures overlapping with each other but you did not tell HFSS what to do with these overlapping structures all the warnings are coming from that. Errors which are appearing in your model are due to improper definition of pots and i think reason is again same. I do not know much about your model but in case of overlapping geometries you can add them

In your design lots of mistakes are there. Radiation box, ports, substrate material........

Just check your base paper and try again...

yes,i have corrected the error occuring due to the overlapping structures .i have give the excitation to the port in the driven terminal model.validate check shows all tick .know also i am get the same two errors;
*Global - Messages
[warning] The application could not resolve the IP address of this machine: remote analysis and remote distributed analysis will not work.
sampledesign3 (E:/)
HFSSDesign1 (DrivenTerminal)
[error] Port refinement, process hf3d error: Port 1 does not have a solved inside material on either side.. (10:04:59 PM Sep 06, 2016)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (10:04:59 PM Sep 06, 2016)

This warning meas that you have enabled some remote solver in HFSS and the remote computer settings are not correct so if you need remote computation properly define the settings if not needed then disable this option. Anyways that is warning and it says that mentioned computer for remote computation is not available
This you can check HFSS>Submit Job>Computer Resources
If you are solving it on your own PC then in table there must be one name local host only
If you are solving on remote computer then rectify the setting of node
This is error it means the defined port has material on both sides it clearly means that port definition is not correct as while defining ports always keep one thing in mind that PORTS are usually either Source or SINK

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