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how to draw a curve in HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
please provide the necessary steps to draw a curve(any arbitrary shape with finite thickness, ) in HFSS.

In HFSS you can draw the Line structure and then can sweep it if it is symmetrical.
You can also play with standard shapes by applying Boolean functions.
what exactly you want o draw?

I use this way to draw the random curves

1. Using lines draw 2.D geometry.
2. Select the desired faces
3. using Modeler->Surface->Sweep Faces Along Normal
4.Define the thickness
5.2.D geometry will be converted to 3.D of defined thickness
Hope this will solve the issue

If you want to take analogy with CST here are the ways which will help you to draw the models exactly as we use in CST
To duplicate, mirror, Rotate, offset etc
Edit->arrange-> select the command you want to use
Edit->duplicate-> select the command you want to use
Edit-> scale

Other issue to sweep in the same way as in CST
Use following commands in HFSS
Draw->sweep-> around axis or vector or along the path

Now you can use all your expertise of CST

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