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Regarding Simulation of Coil Antenna Resonance

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello Friends,

I am trying to simulate a coil resonator but unfortunate I am getting something unwanted results. I don't understand what is the problem. The mesh frequency I choose in starting was 100 MHz and put much different frequency by importing the previous one like 100MHz-1GHz-3GHz. In this case, I am getting resonance peak around 5-6GHz but in starting S(11) is positive up to 100-150MHz. Once change frequency from 300MHz-1GHz-3GHz the single is looking ok but it seems something filter

kind of result. So can any one help me to solve this problem. If you need more explanation then please ask.

Hello WimRFP,

I am following your comment on coil antenna. Presently I am doing a simulation on coil antenna using HFSS. In my simulation, I am getting Manny problems like S(11) starts from possitive responce (+dB) around 100MHz after that it moves to as usual resonance of the antenna. I tried many mess frequency by importing from first but its not helping. So kindly suggest me or guide me. I am new in this field.

Thanks and Regards

Using a multi-turn coil for power transmission above 100 MHz or even at GHz doesn't sound reasonable, unless the coil is very small (e.g. a few mm or below). Please show the geometry to make the question better understandable.


Thanks for your reply. I am attaching my design file. Kindly check and give me your feedback. Yes as you said I am working in very small size coil. Its in mm range.

If you need any detail please let me know.

Regards Krishna

Can you please show a drawing or geometry screenshot? What's the intended operation frequency?

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