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Keysight CoilSys Balun Topologies

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:

In Keysight ADS CoilSys, you can generate different types of Baluns.

I have looked through the help and they dont say what the types of baluns available are and what their topologies are.

Does anyone have any idea what they mean ? No guidance, that I know of, is available on the structure or topologies or even a description of them in the help.

I have added a screen capture here.

Thank you.

You can use the preview button to see the layout.

CT = center tap
vertical coupled = overlayed turns on two layers, instead of interleaved on the same layer


How about vert Coupled sym ?

Is there a good resource (book etc) on different tranformer topologies/balun topologies or a paper or set of papers on just transformer/balun topologies that lists all of the ones listed in Coilsys and/or elsewhere ?

Thank you.

I haven't used Coilsys too much because I had developed my own transformer tool. Maybe you can contact Keysight for references.
What I have used as a reference was this paper by John Long: http://www.eng.auth.gr/electronicsla...ers-Sept00.pdf


What is vert Coupled sym ?

Thank you.

I don't know, some symmetric overlay balun I guess? Why don't you check in Coilsys preview?

I had a quick look and either I have a mistake in my setup or there is some bug, it complains about a NULL layer but doesn't let me specify it in the user interface. Sorry, no idea, you need to check with Keysight.

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