1.since its an array my gain doesnt seem to be increasing with the increase in the number of horns.(note:its not a corporate fed array,horn are individually fed).
2.waveguide to coax transition.tried different probe sizes and did a optimetric analysis for the position of the probe.finally what i have is at the end of the my S11 is close to 0db.
all this has been done in hfss. if anyone has any input to this i would really appreciate it.
sajid mohammed.
i figured the gain part.does anyone has any input for the coax to waveguide transition and viceversa.
thanks in advance.
sajid mohammed.
how about those documents
anymore papers will be hugely appreciated.
sajid mohammed.
s11 near 0 dB indicates a failure in the coax to waveguide transition. Separate the issue into parts. Work on the transition. Then work on the array elements using a modal wave port. Size the waveguide for your operating frequency. Finally when you have the parts working put them together and now you can work on the array.
array elements have been worked already.all i am left with is the transition.which seems to be the toughest part.i learnt that the coax transition will include a monopole at operating frequency.and been working as such
if u guys have any papers that would be recommendable to this problem will be highly appreciated.
sajid mohammed.