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M/W/S and how to exite an irritating coax

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello everyone,

I have problem exciting a bended coax which looks like this :

######### /
######## /

The problem of course is that I get my input reflected at the point where the bend is.

Actually this is not exactly what I'm working on,but my project involves something like this,a bit more complicated though.I thought to start with this simplified problem to get a start since I'm a rather inexperienced M/W/S user.

Thanks in advance

Is Your problem can be formulated as: 'I want to place the port on the plane that not parallel to one of the coordinate planes (xy, xz or yz).' ? If 'Yes' - I can disillusion You - it's impossible in CST-MWS, use HFSS or other. If 'No' - please define Your problem more exactly.

Best regards,

rotate the model so that the port parallel to the coordinate system.

Sorry about not being precise enough,I'll try to explain everything.
I'm trying to simulate a GTEM cell with CST v4.0 (or 4.2).
(now the subject became irrelevant of course,but ...)
The problem is that the manufacturer discloses no information whatsoever about the transition from the 50Ohm coax to the 50Ohm rectangular coax (i.e the cell)So,I modelled the inner conductors of the cell and the coax as in sideview.jpg (inside the .rar).The Zo at port 1 (the feed) is 37.4Ohm.It's not possible to get CST to calculate the Zo of the cell at a given crossection because if I define a port there it won't be homogenuous for at least ... blah blah.However the dimensions I have are very precise (directly from the manufacturer) so it should be 50Ohm.

(Note:I extrude the profile believing that in this way I can place an equivalent (?) port there.What's your opinion about that?The people of CST told me about deembending techniques.Anyway,as far as Zo is concerned,it works;the Zo at the output is really 50??hm)

So,there is this step discontinuity at the input which can be solved if I change the dimensions of the feed profile so that 37.4 -> 50Ohm.The s_parameters (inside the .rar) seem to be pretty good (even with the discontinuity).My question is: even if I manage to match the Zo will be this enough?Because that angle at the input seems to me pretty rough...Or is there a specific way to deal with such transitions which can be found in handbooks?

(Note:a have not included the termination (both circuit and wave) in this specific model to see if the power reaches the output.I will be able to post my models as soon as I go to my work)

Sorry about my lengthy post.I did my best :?
Best regards and wishes to everybody.

Does anyone know what kind of ports should I put at the input-port and at the load-port of a tem cell if I use h-f-s-s ?


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