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Can anyone tell me what does this mean in HFSS result ?

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,
WavePort1:1 PortZo (184.38 ,0.00214)?
Gamma (43.072 ,90 ) ?

what does 184.38 mean ?
what does 0.00214 mean ?
what does 43.072 mean ?
what does 90 mean ?

I am begnner of HFSS ,can any one tell me about that ?Thanks a lot .

Perhaps a better way to ask your question is:

1) What is Zo -> This is the characteristic impedance of a mode in your port cross section. You currently have it set to display the magnitude and phase (this is not usually intuitive, so it is best if you change to re and im by changing the drop down)

2) What is Gamma -> This is the complex propagation constant of a particular mode in the port cross section. The real part is the attenuation constant in Nepers/meter and the imaginary part is the propagation term in rad/meter.

3) What is Lambda -> This is the "effective" wavelength of the mode in the port cross section which of course is going to be directly related to the "effective" Epsilon in the next column. This is simply due to the fact that each mode has its own unique spectral impedance (unless of course it is a degenerate mode in a symmetric cross section ;) )

Hope this Helps :)

thanks a lot .this is helpful to me .

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