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Wave propogation from antnenna polarization - FDTD

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am simulating a soft point source in a lossless 3D space using the FDTD method.

I notice that in one direction (same direction that I polarize my source -> E_x) there is massive attenuation.

I compared a point along this direction (x) with one at the same euclidean distance along another direction (y or z), showing that the waveform is attenuated in the x direction compared to the other orientation, even though the distances are equal.

Why does this occur?

A short answer: wave polarization is always perpendicular to propagation
direction. (search for field patterns generated by dipoles for some more
detailed explanation)

how to write codes for a point source 4mm away from the calculation region? Thanks!

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