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CPW circular patchOmni-Directional antenna for [2-18]Ghz ancd

时间:03-26 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am new to Ansoft HFSS. I am designing an omni-directional antenna for [2-18Ghz] Band. I have designed ungrounded CPW partial circular patch antenna USING HFSS V 13.0 and are facing the following difficulties:-

1. how to choose the solution frequency for the required band. What should be the solution frequency of my antenna
2. WAVEPORT: What should be the dimensions of the Waveport & how can I get the field lines which should be good inward as described in hfss book???..
3. VSWR: what parameters should I change to get a good VSWR AND good Return loss

I shall be very thankful to you people if you help me out of these problems kindly help me???..

TE Engineer

too many person ask about CPW UWB and i attach a CPW UWB 2-18 GHz antenna

thanks for the file i will check it and if i faces difficulty i will contact you. thank you once again

me too, so I am not going to offer you any advice on using it.

If the VSWR is good, then the return loss will be good. Conversely, if the return loss is good, the VSWR will be good. There is a simple mathematical relationship between the two.


pls sir snd srch papr of this antenna

i have succesfully designed my antenna but now i want to find out whether it is horizontal, vertical or circular polarized......... can you tell me how to check it

it dont have circular polarization
and about vertical and horizontal u can check by polarization in phi and theta

hi sir ferdows, i have designed uwb antenns exactly as in papers but return loss is very bad,plz make corrections in uploaded file as soon as possible

Dear ALL

yo can see in attached paper and HFSS file , I need your help because I couldn't make like this paper .
please your urgent support.


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