HFSS - problems with endfire waveguide array example in manual
I'm using HFSS 14, and are trying to do example 5.5 (Endfire Waveguide Array) in the examples sections. But I have various issues, at least some of which I suspect are due to the fact the manual for HFSS has not been updated since version 11.1 of HFSS - the manual is now over 3 years old (dated 20th Feb 2009). I can't understand why Ansys don't get their act together and update the manual.
Anway, to the specific issues I have.
Is it me, or are Ansys taking the **** in not updating the manual for more than 3 years? How is one supposed to learn how to use a product if there have been 3 major versions of HFSS since the manual was updated. (I realize the online help might be more upto date, but I expect to be able to run the examples in the manual without the above sort of problems)
Anway, to the specific issues I have.
- On page 5.5-13, it says to tick the checkbox "Polarize E field". But I have no such checkbox
- On page 5.5-15, it says to use the "Compute phase delay tab". I have no such tab
- On page 5.5-15, it says to use "scan angles" to calculate the phase delay. But I have no facility (probably related to above point)
- On page 5.5-18, there's a table of modes and attenuation. The first 4 modes are not attenuated - higher modes are. I'm seeing only the first two modes not being attenuated, and higher modes having a fixed attenuation of 1.52 dB/length. I'm not really surprised I'm getting the wrong results, given I can't select several things I should do.
Is it me, or are Ansys taking the **** in not updating the manual for more than 3 years? How is one supposed to learn how to use a product if there have been 3 major versions of HFSS since the manual was updated. (I realize the online help might be more upto date, but I expect to be able to run the examples in the manual without the above sort of problems)
Can anyone help on this? A colleague has done the example, and also got issues. I'm not sure if his were the same, but they basically are a result of the manual not agreeing with what one actually sees in HFSS. Sometimes I wish I had an HFSS 11 so at least I could run the examples in the outdated manual!