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Microwave Office demo problems

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
The demo link dosnt work :(

The official site requires a user name and password. You have to fill out a form to get them.

After login, when I am clicking on

Microwave Office 2002 and Visual System Simulator 2002
36,685,882 bytes, CRC-32 = 0x


The following message is comming:(

[Your account is currently disabled for download. This is because:

You just registered and your contact information has not yet been reviewed,
Your contact information is incomplete and/or contains obvious errors, or
An email we sent you bounced.
Please click on the Update Profile link on the left to verify and/or update your registration information. When you have provided complete information, send an email to download@mwoffice.com and we will review your profile for download access.]

They do a check on the information you put into the registration form. If it seems false or if it is from certian countries they will not allow your download.

The problem persists. Can sombody help? Any other link for



there is only version 5.02 on DirectionPlan.
but AWR announces new 2003 version:

I also fill out the forms online, but I can't download from the website. And
the worse was that our secretary came to my seat after a few minutes.
She told me that I didn't need to download the demo version because we
have microw@ve ffice in our department.

Whenever you need to dload anything .. just tell her to seat there for few minutes. It really works.. :D

Knows anibody direct link to DL Visual System Simulator

How I can download the newest version of the Microwave Office 2003 and VSS2003

Help me please

MWO 2003 (i.e ver 6) is not available for download until June or July according to their representatives. Still in beta. When available for download, this will be announced on their web


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