HFSS software Purchase
Hi All
I have searched for where can I purchase ansoft HFSS. V.13 software as I really needed for my research design ( designing a planar antenna ) at the university and I want to know where can I find it and who should I contact with and how much it costs as I need to ask the university to buy it for me and for other future students in this field.
I have contacted with some sale representatives. However, no one reply.
Could Any one help me out
my best regards
I have searched for where can I purchase ansoft HFSS. V.13 software as I really needed for my research design ( designing a planar antenna ) at the university and I want to know where can I find it and who should I contact with and how much it costs as I need to ask the university to buy it for me and for other future students in this field.
I have contacted with some sale representatives. However, no one reply.
Could Any one help me out
my best regards
If your local representative does not answer, contact directly the global Ansys office and tell them about your university licence purchase and that your local guys don't do their job.
Thanks rfmw for your reply .. I have sent them a message through their website :: http://www.ansys.com/Industries/Acad...hnical+Support but they have not replied .