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[FDTD] Difference between 2D and 3D Simulation

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello there,

I hope this finds you well.

Currently I am constructing a 3D FDTD model to simulate the pulse propagation within different media (free space or non-dispersive medium). Before I accomplished a 2D (TMz) model. The problem I have regarding the 3D model is:

Both the 2D and 3D model are assigned the same voltage hard source as the excitation:
2D: Ez(is,js) = source(n)
3D: Ez(is,js, ks) = source(n);
The same propagation distance between transmitter and receiver, same source, same media are used. But the received signals (which is selected as Ez field component) in 2 cases are different.

My questions are:
1.Can anyone tell me shall we expect the exactly same results for 2D and 3D FDTD simulation? Why? (Assuming all the conditions are set to same except the Z dimension)
2.If the 2 results are expected to be the same, any idea could be cause of mistakes of my 3D model?

Your any advice is highly appreciated, thanks in advance.
上一篇:metal detecting circuit

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