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What's your opinion on XFDTD software?

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:

Does anyone know the XFDTD software from Remcon ? If so, please tell me what do you think of it ? In this forum, there are no mentionne of this software.



hi,i download trial version,i see that xfdtd i recommend it that simulate more accurately but it so expensive,are u have softwae
reply me at jamywood4000@yahoo.com


Sorry I don't have. Can you provide me the trial version? What do you mean expensive, compare to another software, I think this is the less expensive.


hi,trial one i have friendless,also many people in that forum use cst and hfss.i recommend to use cst version 5 and eirp will help u well


another commerical software that uses FDTD is semcad. http://www.semcad.com. It has a student license selling at $99 (online) that allows you to simulate up to 10 objects and you have the same level of access to technical support and downloads as the full licensed user :) Affordable as it is, the down side is that it may not be as powerful as xfdtd or CST MWS. :P

Check it out for yourself :)


Thanks for the info. I have navigated through the website and didn't see the software do scarttering? Does it have this feature?



Thanks for the info. I have navigated through the website and didn't see the software do scarttering? Does it have this feature?



What you mean exactly by scattering? FDTD does scaterring naturally..
Don't you mixed it up with another Remcom's product Wireless insite?
BTW Semcad is somwehat special product because of coupled thermal module and some biological stuff.

please tell us is your trial version 6.1?
PM please link to download this trial software.

thank you in advance.

hi ,i try to use version 5 i ignore use it untill now after i try it.its setup of programming so hard,i ignore it

eirp wrote :

What you mean exactly by scattering? FDTD does scaterring naturally..
Don't you mixed it up with another Remcom's product Wireless insite?
BTW Semcad is somwehat special product because of coupled thermal module and some biological stuff.

I mean Radar Cross section Scattering. Or what kind of scattering do these softwares able to do and which one?

abdoeng wrote:

hi ,i try to use version 5 i ignore use it untill now after i try it.its setup of programming so hard,i ignore it

What do mean the programme is so hard to setup, do you mean the input data, geometries? Right now, a new version 6.1 is release, do you think it has some improvement?



hi ,i means data input,i have no new release of xfdtd,any buddy have it,pls upload

some buttons for making some solid bodies appeared in version 6.0.
i think xfdtd is much more userfriendly now.

i have xfdtd soteware !but i want to use it simulate LHM !but i loss!
can you help me??

I heard that Ver6.2 is just released.

Anyone has comments on it?


Thanks for the web site. Very interesting stuffs.


Hi eirp

I have told that you can't use waveguide port only probefed is it right ?

The last Ver 6.3 it can run on linux.

in middle 2006 also CST 2006 will run on Linux.

Mica188: cst and hfss have good agreement with RCS.


hi,dxy007,Can you share your XFDTD software with me ? Thank you very much .

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