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Polar Plot in Matlab

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:

I used a anechoic chamber to rotate a transmitting antenna from 0 to 360 with 2 degrees in between. I received gain at every two degrees for my antenna. For example at 2 deg I received -64dB and so on for each degree. I am able to view the radiation pattern on the analyzer, but I want to be able to plot it onto Matlab, so that I can put it in my report. Does anyone have an idea on how to plot it in polar format just like a radiationg pattern inmatlab? the data I receive looks like this as a example
degree = [0:2:360]
Gain = [-64,-67--64,-68.....(up to 180 numbers)]
Thanks in advance


The polar function in matlab is in radians so you need to get you increment of 2 deg in radians. This can be calculated as follows (2*pi/360)=0.0174532925199433/degree. For 2 degrees you take 0.0174532925199433*2 steps. Code is simple as per below:

theta = 0:0.0174532925199433*2:2*pi;
Gain = [-64,-67--64,-68.....(up to 180 numbers)]

上一篇:wilkinson power divider

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