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Windings in Ansys Maxwell External Circuit Editor( Wireless Power Transfer)

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello everyone. I am modelling a wireless power transfer system using two coupled coils. For the primary I am providing an AC source in the transient analysis of Ansys Maxwell.

My confusion is that, for the secondary, I am specifying the winding as external and providing a external circuit in Maxwell external circuit editor.(using a resonant capacitor and resistance) Will this work effectively? Also is there any way of measuring the power received ? Any kind of suggestions will be really great.

Also I have seen that we can use Simplorer to see the power received and efficiency. If someone can guide me or refer me it will be very hepful.

I'm not sure I can answer your questions, but I have a suggestion. From Maxwell, you can simulate the inductance, series resistance (thus giving you Q factor) and mutual inductance of your two coil system. Once you have L1, L2, Q1, Q2, and L12, you can simulate the whole system in a much more efficient circuit editor, like ADS or PSPICE, and add on all the capacitors and loads and anything else you could want. Trying to actually get power transfer from Maxwell or Simplorer is certainly possible, but sort of overkill.

I believe its best to use FEM solvers to get circuit parameters for your system, then just model the circuit.

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