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Question on Non-Maxwell-based theory

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
Is there any Electromagnetic theory that is not based on Maxwell theory ???

Your helps are greatly appreciated ...


As far as I know there isnt... I think there isnt any experimental data contradicting the maxwell equations (at least in the microscopic level).

Dear irfan1 ,
Thanks for your reaction, I appreciate that very much.
(I agreed with what ur said)

Thanks to the observations, experiments and works of people
prior to Maxwell, the concept of Current(Ampere),
Voltage (Volta), Flux (Gauss), etc...are formed,

Maxwell did the great job to combine and connect all those
disconnected, and scatterred works into his famous 4 equations,

When I was in the highschool, I did hear that there exist theory
which is not based on FIELDS ( electric, magnetic) &
SOURCES(currents and charges) ... since prior to the that
time those concepts (electric, magnetic, currents and charges)
were not yet born ...

My highschool teacher retired and I lost contact with him ...

If anyone know about this ... please share your knowlege,

Your helping hand is highly appreciated as always

Awaiting for the answer, still.


There is, but I do not know the details. In this way, the magnetic field is described as a quantum mechanical effect of the electric field.

On Maxwell, he came up with a dozen or two equations. It was Heaviside and a few others that sorted through them and eliminated the ones in error and the duplicates to get down to the present six or so.

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