maxwell 3d and ansoft hfss
hfss is good because covers a lot.
I have not used maxwell 3d but hfss is a killer. You make a model full simulation etc. takes up to 3 days to perform.
I dont know for maxwell 3d anybody used it?
Maxwell is more for electro-mechanical devices such as relays, motors. HFSS is more for electronic devices such as waveguides, striplines.
**Maxwell 3D**
Description: 3D electrostatic, magnetostatic, and low-frequency magnetic finite element analysis codes.
**Ansoft HFSS**
Description : 3D full-wave (High Freq.) finite element code.
HFSS need a lot of memory , 2Gb as Ansoft recommend . If lack of memory , hfss has begun swop to HDD and in this case CPU usage is ~3-4%.
Sure you may need even some weeks if so.
I believe that Maqwell3D is a used for a quasi-static analasys, in other
words includes only TEM mode. It is accurate only at reasonably low frequencies, but for a fullwave analasys you need HFSS. Drawback is a huge demand in time and memory.