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surface current in IE3D

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi All,

I have some question on using IE3D. Hope someone could help me.

1. Can we see the real and imaginary parts individually of the surface current on IE3D. Because I need to figure out which TMmn mode at the given frequency of my antenna, and as far as I know by watching the quadrature component it's the easiest way. But if there any other possible way, please let me know.

2. For the circular polarization antenna case, how I can determined the current path of the two modes which responsible for generation of circular polarization.

Thank you for the time.

Hi, 2cent:

while you are displaying current distrinution, please select SAVE CURRENT DENSITY DISTRIBUTION DATA for an ASCII file with the current density at each critical point.


Hi jian,

thanks for the reply, but sorry no mean to be rude.
Do you mean it's the .cdd file? I've already try it but how that file gonna help me?
(to figure out the TM mode or the circular polarization mode)

Could it view the same way as the current distribution view?
But separate only the real part. I've seen it in some paper. Thank for the time.

Hi, 2cent:

For the current density display, you have 3 choices:

1. Average Curent: It is the absolute value of the complex vector.
2. Scalar Current; It is the current density at a specific time. It is basically the real value of the current density at a specific phase. I believe it is what you want.
3. Vector current; It is the vector current density at a specific time. It is similar to (2) except it is also displaying the direction. It is also want you want in vector form.

You can also do the animation on (2) and (3). Regards.

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