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Please help; what this Question mean

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:
I don?t understand this question -

?Find the sinusoid magnitude and phase ?in degrees? at 0.5ms for this
V(t)= 5 sin (2π * 500 t + π/4 ) [V]

π= Pi;


the equation represents a sinusoidal shaped voltage waveform. the maximum amplitude of the voltage waveform is 5.

You need to find out the amplitude and phase when t=0.5ms.

Hint: replace t with given value for amplitude and phase is obvious from the equation.

You mean i do this

V(.0005)= 5 sin (2pi * 500 (.0005) + pi/4 ) [V]

Is this what you mean?
Thanks ;

yes amy.
calculate the values, inside is phase and take sine of it and its magnitude

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