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Terminating a Port in HFSS

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi All,

I am trying to simulate a 2 x 1 antenna array. I have setup 2 lumped ports for each of the antennas. Both ports have been renormalized to 50 ohms impedance.

Under HFSS -> Fields -> Edit Sources I see that the scaling factor has been set to 1 for port1 and 0 for port2. If I understand correctly this means that only port1 is fed with 1 W power to calculate the radiation pattern while feeding 0W to port2, which makes sense. But does feeding 0W to port2 warrant that it is terminated by a 50 ohm impedance or is it just left open?

Thanks in advance for shedding light on this.


it's terminated to 50 ohms even though it's not excited.

上一篇:pmc ground plane

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