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port setup issue?

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Can anyone tell the difference of accuracy between "lumped gap source" and "wave port"

Check the manual for differences.

for CPW, wave port should be used, if your cpw port are not in very limited space.

I think the wave-port is more accurate (closer to measurement) than the lumped-gap source for any problem. The problem is it is difficult to define the wave port in some cases.

I think the best way is to run two simulation of the same structure and get some feeling of the accuracy of lumped gap port


Everybody will be happy if the two simulations agree with each other. What if they don't?

As mentioned earlier, wave port is more accurate. Lump gap port gives an close to accurate approximation.

lump gap source is virtual sours,can not related with real excite,I think.

I usually only used lumped port when analysing an internal impedance in the structure. Waveguide ports are the one to use on CPW, but you have to take care to define the dimension of the port correct. Make sure that you only propagate CPW mode form the port and not other strange waveguide modes. Do a port simulation and look at the field in the port!!!


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