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使用LEF和tf生成milkyway,使用时出现Inconsistent Contact Codes

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

使用milkyway读入mwtf和LEF文件,生成IP和Memory的Milkyway。在DCT中open_milkyway的过程中报告Warning: Inconsistent Data for Contact Code MWLIBP-324的警告。
Warning: Reference Library Inconsistent With Main LibraryReference Library: /remote/testcase/lib/mw/std_lib (MWLIBP-300)
Warning: Inconsistent Data for Contact Code 2 Main Library
(MW_TOP)|Reference Library (std_lib)
Cut LayerVIA1 (70, 70)|VIA2 (70, 70)
Lower LayerM1 (0, 30)|M1 (0, 30)
Upper LayerM2 (0, 30)|M2 (0, 30)(MWLIBP-324)
Warning: Reference Library Inconsistent With Main Library
Reference Library: /remote/testcase/lib/mw/std_lib (MWLIBP-300)
Warning: Inconsistent Data for Contact Code 9
Main Library (MW_TOP)|Reference Library (std_lib)
Cut LayerVIA8 (300, 300)|VIA1 (70, 70)
Lower LayerM8 (70, 0)|M1 (0, 30) Upper Layer
M9 (70, 0)|M2 (0, 30)(MWLIBP-324)
从Solvnet上查了下说是An inconsistent Milkyway technology file between the design library and the standard cell reference library, especially the contactCodeNumber value of VIA1's isDefaultContact can cause unpredictable routing results. Usually this type of inconsistency occurs when you use one technology file for standard cell library data preparation and another technology file for the design library. Standard cell library contact code consistency is important if via regions are created for a pin and what contact codes have been assigned to the via region. By default in BPV, via regions are created for METAL1 pins and use the contact defined by isDefaultContact in the technology file for standard cell.我生成milkyway的时候使用的tf文件和在DC中create_milkyway_library -techfile 所使用的文件是同一个。只使用标准单元的milkyway做reference library时没有这个问题,但是加入IP和MEM的milkway时就报告这个warning。
请教大侠该如何解决这个问题。此外,也希望了解下reference library中的contact code信息从哪里来?是生成MW时使用的tf文件吗?如果是的话我产生MW使用的tf和create_mw_library -techfile的tf文件是一个啊。



不影响flow的warning, 不用费精力去修 ~



ignore, warning多的是,你要研究的话,

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