1、The layer 'M1(有的是M2)' is not found in the database.
2、Error found when processing LEF file'PcAbstract.lef'.
3、Load LEF filePcAbstract.lef failed.
4、failed to import the configfile into encounter 。pleaserefer tothe .abstract/verify/encounter.log for more information.
5、unable to verify abstract view in target place-and-route system.
pin最好也不要有感叹号,你在enclosure的layer,将std cell中所有的layer和via都加进去了吗?
你指的是在pins ,extract,abstract选项卡中的某一步要添加那些layer和via吗?当时都添加进去了,有一点不明白,我的tech lef 中定义的层的名字跟gds中定义的层的名字不一样,比如tech lef 中METAL1、VIA12,在gds中定义为M1、V1,当时在上面的pins 、extract、 abstract各个步骤中我都是用的M1、V1这种定义方式,是不是这里出错了,(但是通过了,直到verify)
在encounter.log中我看到了这样的warning:BUSBITCHARS isa required statement on LEF file with version 5.5 and earlier.without BUSBITCHARS defined ,the LEF file is technically incorrect.
warningIVIDERCHAR isa required statement on LEF file with version 5.5 and earlier.without divIDERCHAR defined ,the LEF file is technically incorrect.
ERROR: No MANUFACTURINGGRID value was given.It is set to minimum LEF unit of 0.0005. If this value is not right, a
MANUFACTURINGGRIDstatement must be added in the technology lef file .
在encounter.log中我看到了这样的warning:BUSBITCHARS isa required statement on LEF file with version 5.5 and earlier.without BUSBITCHARS defined ,the LEF file is technically incorrect.
warning :IVIDERCHAR isa required statement on LEF file with version 5.5 and earlier.without divIDERCHAR defined ,the LEF file is technically incorrect.
ERROR: No MANUFACTURINGGRID value was given.It is set to minimum LEF unit of 0.0005. If this value is not right, a
MANUFACTURINGGRIDstatement must be added in the technology lef file .
你的意思是不是在technology lef file中把在gds中用到的层重新在tech lef 中定义一下?我试试看