首页 > 研发问答 > 微电子和IC设计 > IC后端设计交流 > 综合时一定要用CCS model吗? 毕竟综合时还没有physical呢!

综合时一定要用CCS model吗? 毕竟综合时还没有physical呢!

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
是不是APR时用CCS model更合适呢? 以下是从DC手册截取的一段话,
Design Compiler supports logic libraries that use nonlinear delay models (NLDMs),
Composite Current Source (CCS) models (either compact or noncompact), or both. Design
Compiler automatically selects the timing model to use based on the contents of the logic
libraries. If the logic libraries contain only CCS models, the tool uses CCS models. If the
libraries contain nonlinear delay models (NLDMs) or both NLDM and Composite Current
Source (CCS) models, the tool uses the NLDM models. For optimal runtime and the level of
accuracy, the tool may not use all of the CCS data during logic synthesis and pre-route
当NLDM和CCS共存时,CCS根本不与考虑, 这是啥道理,看来DC有改进的必要。

CSS是分析crosstalk glitch的,综合的时候用NLDM就够了吧~

For optimal runtime and the level of accuracy
这个就是原因吧,即使是physical synthesis,也很少用ccs model。


上一篇:关于IC Complier中Lab1的RISC

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