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'Second Coming' of Magma Forced Synopsys to Deal -- EETimes

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
http://www.eetimes.com/electroni ... ed-Synopsys-to-Deal
Synopsys Inc.'s $507 million deal to acquire rival Magma Design Automation may provide limited strategic value for the No. 1 EDA vendor because of substantial product overlap, but the transaction would eliminate a competitor that has been a thorn in Synopsys' side for years.
According to Needham & Co. analyst Rich Valera, Synopsys and Magma have almost 100 percent overlap in products, particularly in place-and-route and Spice simulation tools. Valera adds that the strategic value of the acquisition for Synopsys would be limited. Magma has always been a worthy competitor, particularly in place-and-route, and has been taking market share from Synopsys, particularly in the Fast Spice simulation category.
Ironically, the acquisition could benefit other EDA vendors, particularly Cadence. As Valera explains it, "If someone had a dual-vendor flow and they had it for a reason—they didn't want to be held over a barrel by one vendor—they are going to say, 'Gosh, now I've got a one-vendor flow.' " Customers who have bought or licensed place-and-route or other tools from both Synopsys and Magma may turn to Cadence after the deal closes to maintain that negotiating leverage.


不太可能吧,至少可以多占点市场, 不合并工具也行的

说不定nvidia就要买encounter license了:)


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