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CPU Micro-architect and Design enginner Sr. Manager-北京岗

时间:12-12 整理:3721RD 点击:
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Minimum Qualifications
We are looking for individuals that have 5+ years’ experience or equivalent education in the following areas:
1.Lead a Core team to implement core and coherent Fabric.
2.Good understanding of RISC and CPU architecture    
3.Achieve improve performance with reasonable microarchitecture.
4.Work with verification team and integration team
5.High performance logic design techniques Familiar withHDL and behavior modeling
6.Experience with simulation and design flow, such as lint, CDC, synthesis, STA, floorplan and etc.
Preferred Qualifications        
Additional skills in the following areas are a plus:
1.Industry experience in a specific high performance CPU design.
2.Experience with CPU function unit, such as instruction unit, execution unit and O3 related logic.
3.Experience with CPU memory system unit, such as Load/Storage unit, TLB, MMU.
4.Experience with coherence protocol implementation, such as ACE, CHI/CHIE.
5.Knowledge of verification and good communication skill with verification team
Education Requirements        
Required:  Master’s, Electronic Engineering and/or Computer Science
Preferred: Doctorate, Electronic Engineering and/or Computer Science or equivalent experience.



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