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AXI4 Stream中position byte是什么意思?

时间:12-12 整理:3721RD 点击:
如题,在Stream中分为2种数据,一种是postion byte,一种是data byte,data byte容易理解,就是要传输的数据。可是position byte是什么呢?里面包含的是什么内容?用于做什么的?如果能举个小例子就更好了,请教高手解答,不胜感谢。
Data byte: A byte of data that contains valid information that is transmitted between the source and destination.
Position byte: A byte that indicates the relative positions of data bytes within the stream. This is a placeholder that does not contain any relevant data values that are transmitted between the source and destination.

有3中,data byte, position byte, null byte. 我理解position byte是为了保证dat
a byte到达slave的timing。比如要传两笔数据过去,但中间必须隔开1个cycle,这个c
ycle就可以用position byte来保证。
An interconnect must not modify the number or relative position of data byte
s or position bytes
within a stream.
An interconnect is permitted to insert or remove null bytes from a stream.

但如果中间想要空一个cycle的话,用null byte不也是可以的么,反正keep和strb都是按byte来使用的。

好像有点明白了,position byte用来占住那个位置,但是不包含任何信息。再次感谢。
A position byte is used to indicate the correct relative position of the data bytes within the
stream. Position bytes are typically used when the data stream is performing a partial update of
information at the destination.

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