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Synopsys/ARM 联合研讨会:使用虚拟原型快速开发高质量SoC软件

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Synopsys/ARM Joint Seminar: Faster Time to Quality Software with Virtual Prototyping
时间:2015年4月23日(星期四)09:00am - 15:00pm
地点:上海帝盛酒店 白玉兰厅    

You are cordially invited to attend a FREE Synopsys/ARM joint Seminar. If you are a system designer, SoC architect, software developer or manager who wants to learn new techniques to achieve faster time to quality software, this is a can't-miss event!
This seminar will introduce tools and methods for pre-hardware bring-up of software stacks for ARMv8 based SoCs. We will present how Synopsys Virtualizer Development Kits (VDKs), software development kits that use a virtual prototype as an embedded target, in combination with ARM's DS-5 software debugger and Fast Models can jumpstart bring-up, integration and debug of drivers before the availability of hardware-based prototypes. We will explain how incremental virtual prototyping enables early SoC software bring up from boot ROM, firmware, OS and power management up to booting complex software, such as Android. We will also introduce and demonstrate how hybrid prototypes, a combination of FPGA-based and virtual prototypes, are used to address software tasks where high performance real world I/O is critical. Seminar attendees will leave with a clear understanding of the technical benefits that virtual prototypes offer to software developers.
Primary Agenda:
Time    Topics
09:00 - 09:30    *Registration
09:30 - 10:00    Introduction
10:00 - 11:00    Ready to Launch – Using virtual prototypes to develop reference software stacks for new ARM cores
11:00 - 11:15    Break
11:15 - 12:45    Accelerate Software Readiness – Using VDKs for IP and SoC specific software bring up
12:45 - 14:00    Lunch
14:00 - 15:00    Meet Your Goals – Hardware/software validation with hybrid prototypes
15:00    Summary/Lucky Draw
报名方法 : 请于4月21日前,点选以下链接报名,完成报名程序,或直接联系负责贵公司之新思业务代表。
报名联络人 : 丁小姐,021 - 2307 2297,vpcn@synopsys.com
*报 到 : 活动当天上午,请准备两张名片以完成报到

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