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Server Segment Manager

时间:12-12 整理:3721RD 点击:
• Detailed understanding of Server and/or Storage software
architecture at the enclosure level
• Ten (10) or more years of experience understanding and developing
system level requirements with partners, customers and end users.
• Understanding of Server and/or Storage market trends, standards and
software ecosystem and ability to translate this data to market
intelligence and strategy with a particular emphasis on the Chinese
• Competitive Analysis - Develop competitive positioning strategy,
materials and outbound messaging to showcase ARM’s value proposition
versus incumbent solutions
• Contribute to, develop and communicate, through industry events,
forums and customer interactions, ARM’s Data center strategy
• Influence key stakeholders within ARM and at external software
companies to support ARM offerings
• Responsible for developing, documenting and articulating high level
system architectures and designs based on direct engagements with
OEMs and Enterprises/Data Centers. This will include but not be
limited to system requirements, software requirements and
specifications necessary for the release of compelling ARM Powered
servers with an emphasis on specific Chinese market requirements.
• Participate and lead ARM’s messaging/direction with key industry
standards bodies of relevance to the server market particularly in
• Evangelize and Drive adoption at key end customers in verticals
like Mega Data centers, Financial, Government and others as they are
poised for ARM adoption.
• Perform independent research and engineering studies around
software requirements for the Chinese Data Center Market.
• Ability to work with vendors to evaluate appropriateness of
emerging technologies for our industry particularly in China’s
emerging ecosystem
• Ability to provide technical guidance to a multi-location and
multi-national IP design and software ecosystem team
Job Requirements
Qualification & Experience
• Crisp, Clear and  Concise Communication
• Proactive and collaborative with experience working in a
partnership environment
• Strong entrepreneurial drive for bringing new technologies to
• Outbound – experience presenting in industry forums, writing blogs,
technology evangelism
• Inbound – Experience in presenting to internal design and R&D
organizations to influence decisions, Management teams and key
stakeholders and decision makers.
• Adaptability and Flexibility – ability to context switch between
tasks, customer interactions, technical and Marketing tasks
• Persistence and Innovation – Ability to push through roadblocks
using influence and/or identifying alternate routes and creative
• Competitive Analysis with domain expertise in Server and Storage
Systems Architecture and software
• Technical / Software project management and marketing experience
• Work experience at a china cloud provider like Baidu, AliBaba or
Tencent is a plus
• Experience engaging in software ecosystems from both a technical
and business perspective
有兴趣的朋友请发简历至 avcavs@163.com

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