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时间:12-12 整理:3721RD 点击:
我在一般做tran分析时不加noise设置,但是最近听人说如果加了tran分析中的“transient noise”选项,可以在仿真中体现出热噪声和其他噪声的影响。
能否告知里面的noise seed, scale, Tmin,update都代表什么?

我只知道仿comparator noise的时候可能会用到这个,具体也不大了解。
51 noisefmax=0 Hz
The bandwidth of pseudorandom noise sources. A valid
(nonzero) noisefmax turns on the noise sources during transient
analysis. The maximum time step of the transient analysis is
limited to 1/noisefmax.
52 noisescale=1
Noise scale factor applied to all generated noise. Can be used to
artificially inflate the small noise tomake it visible above transient
analysis numerical noise floor, but it should be small enough to
maintain the nonlinear operation of the circuit .
53 noiseseed
Seed for the random number generator. Should be positive
integer. Specifying the same seed allows you to reproduce a
previous experiment.
54 noisefmin (Hz)
If specified, the power spectral density of the noise sources will
depend on frequency in the interval fromnoisefmin to noisefmax.
Below noisefmin the noise power density is constant. The default
value is noisefmax, so that only white noise is included by
default, and noise sources are evaluated only at noisefmax for all
models. 1/noisefmin cannot exceed the requested time duration
of transient analysis.
55 noisetmin (s)
Time interval between noise source updates. Default is 1/
noisefmax. Smaller values will produce smoother noise signals,
but will reduce time integration step.
56 noiseupdate=fmax
Forces evaluation of bias-dependent device noise sources at
each time step, even if it is smaller than noisetmin value. .
Possible values are fmax or step.

noise seed 一般就是1
updata 我的里面没见过,
有一个 Fmax 不知道是不是对应你的Tmin  这个最好是自己关心噪声的 5倍到10倍就OK了

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