移动宽带无线接入技术IEEE 802.16e 综述
来源:解放军理工大学通信工程学院 柯贤文 张 艳
IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group Article: standards from IEEE 802 Unleash the Wireless Internet IEEE Standard 802.16: A Technical Overview of the WirelessMAN Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access; Cal Eklund, Nokai Research Center IEEE P 802.20: Traffic Models for IEEE 802.2 MBWA System simulations John Liebetreu.Modifications to OFDM FFT-256 mode for supporting mobile operation. C802.16e-03/12 Itzik Kitroser.IEEE 802.16e Handoff Draft. IEEE C802.16e-03/20 r1 Itzik Kitroser.IEEE802.16e Sleep Mode. IEEE C802.16e-03/15- WIND-FLEX的系统结构及其应用场合(02-22)
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