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为什么单片机会用EEPROM作为data memory而不用flash

时间:11-28 来源:互联网 点击:

s a relatively high current, especially when compared to Fowler-Nordheim tunneling. 记住,EPROM中使用CHE需要高电流,尤其是和Fowler-Nordheim tunneling相比较的时候。 However, Fowler-Nordheim tunneling requs more time to program a memory location than does CHE. Therefore, to compensate for the longer time requd per programming location using Fowler-Nordheim tunneling, the programming size is larger than that used with CHE. 然而,Fowler-Nordheim tunneling需要大量的时间写入内存。比较后可以得到,…(不重要) CHE cannot scale with respect to program size because of the high current requd per

bit to activate the mechanism. Although there are certainly power supplies that can supply many amps of current to a VPP pin on the part, there is an issue with power distribution within the chip itself. In general, this limits the programming size when using CHE to 8 to 16 bits. CHE不能扩大扇区,他需要给每一个比特写入时提供电流。因此,在固定能量供应的时候,由于VPP电流的限制,只能限制到8到16个比特。 or: 1、首先从IO引脚占用方面比较,EEPROM只需占用两个IO引脚,时钟(clk)和数据(data)引脚,外加电源三个引脚即可,符合I2C通讯协议。而FLASH需要占用更多IO引脚,有并行和串行的,串行的需要一个片选(cs)引脚(可用作节电功耗控制),一个时钟(clk)引脚,FLASH读出和写入引脚各一个,也就是四个。并行的需要8个数据引脚,当然比串行的读写速度要快。 2、从功能方面比较,EEPROM可以单字节读写,FLASH部分芯片只能以块方式擦除(整片擦除),部分芯片可以单字节写入(编程),一般需要采用块写入方式;FLASH比EEPROM读写速度更快,可靠性更高。但比单片机片内RAM的读写还要慢。 3、价格方面比较,FLASH应该要比EEPROM贵。

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