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为什么单片机会用EEPROM作为data memory而不用flash

时间:11-28 来源:互联网 点击:


FLASH存储器又称闪存,它结合了ROM和RAM的长处,不仅具备电子可擦出可编程(EEPROM)的性能,还不会断电丢失数据同时可以快速读取数据(NVRAM的优势),U盘和MP3里用的就是这种存储器。在过去的20年里,嵌入式系统一直使用ROM(EPROM)作为它们的存储设备,然而近年来Flash全面代替了ROM(EPROM)在嵌入式系统中的地位,用作存储Bootloader以及操作系统或者程序代码或者直接当硬盘使用(U盘)。目前Flash主要有两种NOR Flash和NADN Flash。NOR Flash的读取和我们常见的SDRAM的读取是一样,用户可以直接运行装载在NOR FLASH里面的代码,这样可以减少SRAM的容量从而节约了成本。NAND Flash没有采取内存的随机读取技术,它的读取是以一次读取一快的形式来进行的,通常是一次读取512个字节,采用这种技术的Flash比较廉价。用户不能直接运行NAND Flash上的代码,因此好多使用NAND Flash的开发板除了使用NAND Flah以外,还作上了一块小的NOR Flash来运行启动代码。 一般小容量的用NOR Flash,因为其读取速度快,多用来存储操作系统等重要信息,而大容量的用NAND FLASH,最常见的NAND FLASH应用是嵌入式系统采用的DOC(Disk On Chip)和我们通常用的“闪盘”,可以在线擦除。目前市面上的FLASH 主要来自Intel,AMD,Fujitsu和Toshiba,而生产NAND Flash的主要厂家有Samsung和Toshiba。

Flash和EEPROM的区别 大概翻译 The primary difference between EEPROM and FLASH is the removal of the ability to erase at the byte level. EEPROM和FLASH的主要区别是以字节为单位擦除内存的能力。 FLASH erases in much larger chunks of memory commonly referred to as sectors. Depending on the array size and the technology chosen, the sector size can vary significantly and therefore there is not a standard erase sector size across the industry and even within a product family. FLASH通常是按照扇区来擦除整块的数据。根据不同的工艺和技术的选择,扇区的大小差别很大,因此扇区的大小是没有标准的,每个厂家甚至每个系列产品的扇区大小都不见得一样。 The main point to remember is that the array is erased in large pieces as opposed to byte erase found in full featured EEPROM. 主要需要记住的是:EEPROM是按照字节擦除的,而FLASH是按照块擦除的。 Almost all commercially available FLASH memories utilized Fowler-Nordheim tunneling for the erase operation. 几乎所有的商业用FLASH都用一种叫(Fowler-Nordheim tunneling)的技术进行擦除操作。 The second major difference relates to programming and the programming size but here again there is not a clear standard across the industry. 第二个主要的区别在于编程,但同时和擦除相同的是,针对不同的厂家,编程的块大小也是不同的。 Some FLASH memories will do away with byte programming all together and will program in large sections referred to as pages. 一些FLASH内存废除了字节编程,只能按照块的大小进行编程写入。 Other FLASH memories still retain the ability to program in byte wide increments. The choice in programming width is mostly determined by the throughput of erasing the memory and completely reprogramming the array. 另一些FLASH内存还保留着字节编程的能力,这些能力取决于。。。(一些不重要的信息)。 There is also some diversity among FLASH memory products with respect to the programming method. 另外还有一些FLASH的差异,即写入的方式。 For example, some FLASH products use CHE and others use Fowler-Nordheim tunneling. As has been previously described in the EPROM and EEPROM overviews, each method has pros and cons, and it is these limitations that drive the programming size of the array. 例如,一些FLASH用CHE方式,另一些用(Fowler-Nordheim tunneling)方式。正如在EPROM和EEPROM中描述的,每种方法都有优缺点,这些优缺点限制了编程块的大小。 Remember from the discussion of EPROM that CHE require

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