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(21) IEC 61000-4-7(1991) 第四部分:测试和测量技术——第7节:关于用于电源系统和与之相连的谐波和谐波间的测试和测试仪器的通则 (Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 7:General guide on harmonics and interharmonics measurements and instrumentation, for power supply systems and equipment connected thereto).

(22) IEC 61000-4-8(1993) 第四部分:测试和测量技术——第8节: 电源频率电磁场的抗干扰测试。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 8:Power frequency magnetic field immunity test.Basic EMC publication).

(23) IEC 61000-4-9(1993)第四部分:测试和测量技术——第9节:脉冲电磁场的抗干扰测试。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 9:Pulse magnetic field immunity test.Basic EMC publication).

(24) IEC 61000-4-10(1993)第四部分:测试和测量技术——第10节:衰减振荡电磁场的抗干扰测试。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 10:Damped oscillatory magnetic field immunity test. Basic EMC publication).

(25) IEC 61000-4-11(1994)第四部分:测试和测量技术——第11节:电压下陷、短期干扰和电压变化的抗干扰测试。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 11:Voltage dips,short interruptions and voltage variations immunity test).

(26) IEC 61000-4-12(1995)第四部分:测试和测量技术——第12节:振荡波的抗干扰测试。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 12:Oscillatory waves immunity test. Basic EMC publication).

(27) IEC61000-4-24(1997)第四部分:测试和测量技术——第24节:关于HEMP传导干扰的保护器件的测试方法。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 24 :Test methods for protective devices for HEMP conducted disturbance. Basic EMC publication).

(28) IEC61000-5-1(19996)第五部分:安装和更改指南。第1节:一般考虑(Partie 5:Installation and mitigation guidelines -- Section 1:General considerations).

(29) IEC61000-5-4(1996)第五部部分:装和更改指南——第4节:关于HEMP的抗干扰——关于抗HEMP幅射干扰的保护器件的技术指标。基本EMC出版物。(Part 5:Installation and mitigation guidelines -- Section 4:Immunity to HEMP -- Specifications for protective devices against HEMP radiated disturbance. Basic EMC publication).

(30) IEC 61000-5-5(1996)第五部部分:装和更改指南——第5节:关于HEMP的传导干扰保护的技术指标。基本EMC出版物。(Part 5: Installation and mitigation guidelines -- Section 5:Specifications for protective for HEMP conducted disturbance. Basic EMC publication).

(31) IEC 61000-6-1(1997)第六部部分:用标准。第1节:用于民用、商用和轻工业环境的抗干扰。(Part 6:Generic standards -- Section 1:Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments).

4 小结



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