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1 IEC第77技术委员会出版的有关出版物

(IEC publications prepared Technical Committee No.77).

⑴IEC555:由家用电器和类似电器装置在电源系统中引入的干扰(Disturbances in supply systems caused by household appliances and similar electrical equipment).

IEC 555-1(1982)第一部分:定义(Part 1:Definitions).

IEC 555-2(1982)第二部分:谐波(Part 2: Harmonics).

1984年第一修定本(Amendment No.1 )(1984)。

1988年第二修定本(Amendment No.2 )(1988)。

1991年第三修定本(Amendment No.3 )(1991)。

⑵IEC725(1981) 用于确定在家用电器和类似电器装置中干扰特性的基准阻抗的考虑(Considerations on reference impedances for use in determining the disturbance characteristics of household appliances and similar electrical equipment).

⑶IEC816(1984) 在低电压电源线和信号线中的短期瞬变信号的测量方法指南(Guide on methods of measurement of short duration transients on low voltage power and signal lines).

⑷IEC827(1985) 关于在家用电器中的电压波动的限制指南(和IEC555-3有关)(Guide to voltage fluctuation limits for hoursehold appliances (relating to IEC Publication 555-3)).

⑸IEC868(1986)闪烁测试仪(Flickermeter).(功能和设计指标)(Functional and design specifications).1990年第一修定本(Amendment No.1)(1990).

⑹IEC868-0(1991) 第0部分:闪烁严重性的评估(Part 0:evaluation of flicker severity).

2 由IEC第77技术委员会出版的有关出版物(1000系列)

(IEC publications prepared by Technical Committee No.77)

IEC1000:电磁兼容标准(Electromagnetic compatibility )(EMC)。

⑴IEC1000-1-1 (1992)第一部分通则:第1节:基本定义和术语的使用和解释(Part 1:General. Section 1: Application and interpretation of fundamental definitions and terms).

⑵IEC1000-2-1 (1990) 第二部分:环境。第1节:环境部分介绍——低频传导干扰和在公用供电系统中信号的电磁环境(Part 2:Environment. Section 1:Description of the environment - Electromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in public power supply systems).

⑶IEC1000-2-2 (1990) 第二部分:环境。第2节:低频传导干扰和在公用低压供电系统中信号的兼容电平(Part 2;Environment. Section 2:Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in public low-voltage power supply systems).

⑷IEC1000-2-3(1992) 第二部分:环境。第3节:和幅射与非网络频率有关的传导现象的环境描述(Part2:Environment. Section 3:Description of the environment-radiation and non-network-frequency-related conducted phenomena).

⑸IEC1000-2-4(1994)第二部分:环境。第3节:在工厂环境中的低频传导干扰的兼容电平(Part 2;Environment 4:Compatibility levels in industrial plants for low-frequency conducted disturbances).

⑹IEC1000-3-3(1994)第三部分:限制。第3节:用于用电设备的额定电流值≤ 16A的低电压供电系统的电压波动和闪烁的限制(Part 3:limits -- Section 3:Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low –voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current≤ 16A).

⑺IEC1000-3-5(1994)第三部分:限制。第5节:用于用电设备的额定电流值≥16A的低电压供电系统的电压波动和闪烁的限制(Part 3:Limits -- Section 5: Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 16A).

⑻IEC1000-3-6(1996)第三部分:限制。第6节:用于中电压和高电压供电系统的失真负载的幅射限制的评估——基本EMC出版物(Part 3:limits -- Section 6:Assessment of emission limits for distorting loads in MV and HV power systems -- Basic EMC Publication).

⑼IEC1000-4-1(1992)第四部分:测试和测量技术(Part 4:testing and measurement techniques).

第1节:抗干扰测试总论。基本EMC出版物。(Section 1:Overview of immunity tests. Basic EMC Publication).

⑽IEC1000-4-8(1993)第四部分:测试和测量技术(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques).


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