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⑽IEC61000-3-3(1994) 2001年1月第一修定本,电磁兼容——第3-3部分:限制——在低压电网中对设备每相额定输入电流≤16A,而不是由于电源连接的原因而造成的公用电网电压变化、电压波动和闪烁的限制(Amendment 1,2001-01,Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part 3-3:Limits-Limitation of voltage changes,voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low -- voltage supply systems,for equipment with rated current≤16A per phase and not subject to conditional connection).

⑾IEC61000-3-4 ,1998年10月第一版,电磁兼容——第3-4部分:在低压电网中对设备每相额定输入电流≥16A的谐波幅射电流的限制( First edition 1998-10 Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part 3-4: Limitation of emission of harmonic currents in low voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 16A).

⑿IEC 1000-3-5,1994年12月第一版,电磁兼容——第3部分:第5节——限制——在低压电网中对设备每相额定输入电流≥16A的电压波动和闪烁的限制 (First edition 1994-12 . Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part 3:Limits -- Section 5: Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 16A).

⒀IEC61000-3-6,1996年10月第一版,电磁兼容——第3部分:第6节——用于中电压和高电压供电系统的失真负载的幅射限制的评估——基本EMC出版物(First edition 1996-10. Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part 3:Limits -- Section 6: Assessment of emission limits for distorting loads in MV and HV power systems-Basic EMC publication).

⒁IEC61000-3-7,1996年10月第一版,电磁兼容——第3部分:限制。第7节——用于中电压和高电压供电系统的波动负载的幅射限制的评估——基本EMC出版物。(First edition 1996-10. Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part 3:Limits -- Section 7: Assessment of emission limits for fluctuating loads in MV and HV power systems—— Basic EMC publication).

⒂IEC61000-3-8,1997年8月第一版,电磁兼容——第3部分:限制。第8节——在低电压电子设备的安装中信号幅射电平、频带和电磁干扰电平(First edition 1997-08. Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part3:Limits -- Section 8: Signalling on low voltage electrical installations -- emission levels,frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbance levels).

⒃IEC61000-3-11,2000年8月第一版,电磁兼容——第3-11部分:限制——由于电源的连接和设备额定电流≤75A的公用低电压供电系统的电压波动和闪烁、电压变化的限制(First edition 2000-08 Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part 3-11: Limits -- limitation of voltage changes,voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, Equipment with rated current≤75A and subject to conditional connection).

⒄IEC61000-4-1(1992)第四部分:测试和测量技术——第1节:抗干扰测试总论。基本EMC出版物(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 1:Overview of immunity tests. Basic EMC publication).

⒅IEC61000-4-2(1995) 第四部分:测试和测量技术——第2节:静电放电测试。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 2:Electrostatic discharge test. Basic EMC publication).

⒆IEC61000-4-4(1995) 第四部分:测试和测量技术——第4节:电信号的快速变化/突变的抗干扰测试。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 4:Electrical fast transent/burst immunity test. Basic EMC publication).

⒇IEC 61000-4-6(1996) 第四部分:测试和测量技术——第6节: 由于射频电磁波引入的传导干扰的抗干扰。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 6:Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequenc

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