首页 > 硬件设计 > 硬件工程师文库 > MAX44009环境光传感器LCD背光亮度的控制应用


时间:04-03 来源:电子发烧友 点击:

最后一步就是在传感器和执行器之间建立连接,通过微控制器实现。有人可能首先要问:"环境光强如何映射到背光亮度?"事实上,有些文献专门介绍了相关方案。其中一种映射方式是,Microsoft®针对运行Windows® 7¹操作系统的计算机提出的。图7所示曲线是由Microsoft提供的,它可以将环境光强度映射到显示屏亮度(以全部亮度的百分比表示)。


  图7. 将环境光强映射为最佳显示屏亮度的曲线示例








  图8. 步进式亮度调节的算法示例



#define MAX44009_ADDR	0x96
// begin definiTIon of slave addresses for MAX44009
#define INT_STATUS	0x00
#define INT_ENABLE	0x01
#define CONFIG_REG	0x02
#define HIGH_BYTE	0x03
#define LOW_BYTE	0x04
#define THRESH_HIGH	0x05
#define THRESH_LOW	0x06
#define THRESH_TIMER	0x07
// end definiTIon of slave addresses for MAX44009
extern float SCALE_FACTOR;	// captures scaling factors to map from % brightness to PWM
float currentBright_pct;	// the current screen brightness, in % of maximum
float desiredBright_pct;	// the desired screen brightness, in % of maximum
float stepSize;			// the step size to use to go from the current 
				// brightness to the desired brightness
uint8 lightReadingCounter;	
 *	FuncTIon:	SetPWMDutyCycle
 *	Arguments:	uint16 dc - desired duty cycle
 *	Returns:	none
 *	Description:	Sets the duty cycle of a 16-bit PWM, assuming that in this 
 *			architecture, 0x0000 = 0% duty cycle
 * 			0x7FFF = 50% and 0xFFFF = 100%
extern void SetPWMDutyCycle(uint16 dc);
 *	Function:	I2C_WriteByte
 *	Arguments:	uint8 slaveAddr - address of the slave device
 *			uint8 command - destination register in slave device
 *			uint8 data - data to write to the register
 *	Returns:	ACK bit
 *	Description:	Performs necessary functions to send one byte of data to a 
 *			specified register in a specific device on the I2C bus
uint8 2C_WriteByte(uint8 slaveAddr, uint8 command, uint8 data);
 *	Function:	I2C_ReadByte
 * 	Arguments:	uint8 slaveAddr - address of the slave device
 *			uint8 command - destination register in slave device
 *			uint8 *data - pointer data to read from the register
 *	Returns:	ACK bit
 *	Description:	Performs necessary functions to get one byte of data from a 
 *			specified register in a specific device	on the I2C bus
uint8 I2C_ReadByte(uint8 slaveAddr, uint8 command, uint8* data);
 *	Function:	getPctBrightFromLuxReading
 *	Arguments:	float lux - the pre-computed ambient light level
 *	Returns:	The % of maximum brightness to which the backlight should be set 
 *			given the ambient light (0 to 1.0)
 *	Description:	Uses a function to map the ambient light level to a backlight 
 *			brightness by using a predetermined function
float getPctBrightFromLuxReading(float lux);
 *	Function:	mapPctBrighttoPWM
 *	Arguments:	float pct
 *	Returns:	PWM counts needed to achieve the specified % brightness (as 
 *			determined by some scaling factors)
uint16 mapPctBrighttoPWM(float pct);
 *	Function:	getLightLevel
 *	Arguments:	n/a
 *	Returns:	the ambient light level, in lux
 *	Description:	Reads both the light registers on the device and returns the 
 *			computed light level
float getLightLevel(void);
 *	Function:	stepBrightness
 *	Arguments:	n/a
 *	Returns:	n/a
 *	Description:	This function would be called by an interrupt. It looks at the 
 *			current brightness setting, then the desired brightness setting. 
 *			If there is a difference between the two, the current brightness 
 *			setting is stepped closer to its goal.
void stepBrightness(void);
 *	Function:	timerISR
 *	Arguments:	n/a
 *	Returns:	n/a
 *	Description:	An interrupt service routine which fires every 100ms or so. This 
 *			handles all the ambient light sensor and backlight
 *			control code.
void timerISR(void);
void main() {
	SetupMicro();				// some subroutine which initializes this CPU
	I2C_WriteByte(MAX44009_ADDR, CONFIG_REG, 0x80);	// set to run continuously
	lightReadingCounter = 0;
	stepSize = .01;
	currentBright_pct = 0.5;
	desiredBright_pct = 0.5;
	InitializeTimerInterrupt();		// set this to fire every 100ms
	while(1) {
		// do whatever else you need here, the LCD control is done in interrupts
} // main routine
// the point at which the function clips to 100%
float getPctBrightFromLuxReading(float lux) {
		return 1.0;
		return (9.9323*log(x) + 27.059)/100.0;
} // getPctBrightFromLuxReading
uint16 mapPctBrighttoPWM(float pct) {
	return (uint16)(0xFFFF * pct * SCALE_FACTOR);
} // mapPctBrighttoPWM
float getLightLevel(void) {
	uint8* lowByte;
	uint8* highByte;
	uint8 exponent;
	uint8 mantissa;
	float result;
	I2C_ReadByte(MAX44009_ADDR, HIGH_BYTE, highByte);
	I2C_ReadByte(MAX44009_ADDR, LOW_BYTE, lowByte);
	exponent = (highByte & 0xF0) >> 4;// upper four bits of high byte register
	mantissa = (highByte & 0x0F) << 4;// lower four bits of high byte register = 
 					  // upper four bits of mantissa
	mantissa += lowByte & 0x0F; 	  // lower four bits of low byte register = 
					  // lower four bits of mantissa
	result = mantissa * (1 << exponent) * 0.045;
	return result;
} //getLightLevel
void stepBrightness(void) { 
	// if current is at desired, don't do anything
	if (currentBright_pct == desiredBright_pct)
	// is the current brightness above the desired brightness?
	else if (currentBright_pct > desiredBright_pct) {
		// is the difference between the two less than one step?
		if ( (currentBright_pct-stepSize) < desiredBright_pct)
			currentBright_pct = desiredBright_pct;
			currentBright_pct -= stepSize;
	} // else if
	else if (currentBright_pct < desiredBright_pct) {
		// is the difference between the two less than one step?
		if ( (currentBright_pct+stepSize) > desiredBright_pct)
			currentBright_pct = desiredBright_pct;
			currentBright_pct += stepSize;
	} // else if
} // stepBrightness
void timerISR(void) {
	float lux;
	float pctDiff;
	if (lightReadingCounter)
	else {
		lightReadingCounter = 20;	// 2 second delay
		lux = getLightLevel();
		desiredBright_pct = getPctBrightFromLuxReading(lux);
		pctDiff = abs(desiredBright_pct - currentBright_pct);
		stepSize = (pctDiff <= 0.01) ? 0.01:pctDiff/10;
	} // else
} // timerISR

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