TCS2315 GPRS手机解决方案
Other system-level cost reduction features include the ability
of TCS2305 and TCS2315 solutions to support a full 128 x 160,
65-k color display with no additional external SRAM memory.
Circuitry for power management for phone peripherals like
headsets and battery charging is also integrated on-chip to
further reduce costs by lowering chip count.Integrating TIs innovative DRP RF architecture into the
TCS2305 and TCS2315 solutions add another dimension to
lowering the cost of a mobile phone. DRP technology applies
digital techniques to simplify radio frequency processing and
dramatically cuts the cost and power consumption of
transmitting and receiving information wirelessly. Processing
radio signals with digital logic can significantly simplify
the implementation and enhance the scalability of wireless
communications capabilities.By integrating DRP technology into the LoCosto family of
wireless solutions, functions that were previously implemented
in discrete devices have now been combined in a single-chip
solution. With the RF section included in one device, space
requirements and component counts are reduced. At the same
time, interconnects are minimized, greatly improving the
handset is reliability.By digitizing analog functionality, testability and
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